Mount Fuji

Even before arriving in Japan, I had heard of Mount Fuji as one of the highest volcanoes on Earth and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The anticipation to see it with my own eyes was thrilling.
As I traveled by shinkansen, I was treated to a breathtaking view of Mount Fuji. From the window of the shinkansen, the majestic, snow-capped peak emerged gracefully against the landscape. Its iconic, symmetrical shape stood out sharply against the vast blue sky. With each passing mile, the shifting light bathed its slopes in a soft, ethereal glow, enhancing its serene beauty. The tranquil scene outside provided a striking contrast to the train’s speed, offering a peaceful moment of awe as I witnessed the timeless splendor of Mount Fuji in its mesmerizing display.
Although I had hoped to climb Mount Fuji during this summer vacation, the intense heat made it impossible. Nevertheless, I look forward to the day when I can conquer its heights and experience its beauty up close.